Friday, August 19, 2005

The countdown has begun!!!

The wedding is only three weeks away! AND I started working full time this week. I am feeling overwhelmed by the demands on my time....thank goodness I can unwind with some stitching! I even had a 15 minute chair massage at the office today...wish it had been longer!

I had picked up the pattern for Toccata by The Drawn Thread while on vacation last month, and so last weekend decided to get started on it. I did not care for the colors in the pattern, so I went through my stash and chose colors that suited me. It is working up nicely and is a nice feeling of accomplishment when I can get a section done in just the tiny bit of time I have to sit down these days. This is my first pattern (other than my own designs) that I have worked on lately that hasn't been from The Victoria Sampler...Sorry Thea, but I almost feel like a traitor!!!!

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